My final project in Year 2 at University was to buy anything you could re-package for for £1. I decided on soap, Imperial Leather. The aim was to make the object valued at £1 be worth £2 just by altering the packaging.
I wanted to make the packaging stand out from the rest and make it look different from all the other brands. I decided on creating a pattern for the illustration and I wanted to use some form of fabric or recycled paper. I tried wrapping the bars in both and thought the fabric would wrap better and work more effectively. The pattern I came up with was water drops. I tried to use a few different mediums to create them and make different textures. I used a stencil and marker pen, mono print, fine liner and mono print.
I scanned in all the textures, re-sized them and arranged them. I then screen printed them on to white fabric. At first the plan was to do each texture in a different shade of blue or grey, this effect didn't work as well so i just stuck to the monotone. I wrapped the bars of soap in textured paper and screen printed a label to seal. I then made a paper band with all the vital information and strap lines on, also added the illustration print of a tap.
Overall I am happy with the outcome, however I don't think I used the branding very well. It doesn't reflect the brand and the logo isn't a main focus. Saying this though I am very pleased with the turn out of the whole thing since this was my first time doing packaging.
What do you think?