Saturday, 23 July 2011

Print Workshop. By Christine Schmidt


I go to the bookshop Magma in manchester every month or so and i have seen this book several times and been interested. I eventually purchased it this week. I thought the book would be useful as I love usig prints in my work and would like to try some different techniques and try some new styles. Most of the print techniques used in the book could be done by most as they use objects such as potatoes and mono prints using ink on assotate and drawing. However, to try some of the methods I'm interested in I would have to buy several items like, a contact printer, a solar plate etc. which might be something i will look into. It also show how to do homemade screen prints using a silk screen and other basic items which is something i would like to try. The book also shows ways of printing simple repeat prints using things such as string, rubbers and corks etc. Overall i think the book was a great buy and I look forward to using some new print techniques.

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